Tuesday, June 14, 2022

All About Backlinks

 Everything You Need To Know About Backlinks

Backlinks have remained google's most effective ranking factor since the early days of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your knowledge of backlinks will determine how successful your online store, blog, or website does.

A backlink is basically, an incoming hyperlink from one webpage to another website. Backlinks are also referred to as inbound links because they represent another website's traffic coming to your site. The quality and quantity of backlinks can help you rank higher on search engines such as Google and Bing.

Why Backlinks Are Important

  • Helps Search engines determine which websites should rank highest for any given search online.
  • Can help generate more traffic from referred visitors.
  • Backlinks can help search engines discover your page faster.
  • Backlinks can be seen as references that determine the relevance of your site to the given visitors. The more references you have the more validity it gives your website or blog article.

What Makes A Good Backlink

A good backlink gives topic relevance. Search engines look at how many times a backlink gets clicked to determine its relevance to a query. The more times it gets clicked the more relevant it appears to be.

A good backlink has great authority. This refers to the quality and quantity of backlinks from referring websites and web pages. Search engines have page ranks using data such as domain popularity and the overall strength of a web page's popularity. For example, news websites will probably rank higher than gossip blogs for credibility of reporting a world leader's death.

How To Check For Backlinks To Any Website

Google Search Console (free)

Ahrefs' backlink chepvpc (free backlink checker)

Majestic (Paid)

Monitor backlinks (free trial)

How To Get More Backlinks

Earn them: Natural organic growth links to your page.

Create them.  Add links pointing back to your site. Search engines. Social Media and word of mouth. You can do these using forums, directories, blog comments, etc.

Build them. Done by reaching out to site owners, editors, or webmasters and ask them to link to your page.

This is a quick summary of backlinks, what they are, how they are used, and how to get more of them. Do you feel like you have a better understanding of backlinks? If so, share with our community of African freelancers how you intend on using backlinks for your website.

We Can Work.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Review: My Experience Working on Mobiworkx after 3 months

In this video you will see: The registration process, screenshots, and revealing payout after three months of taking surveys on mobiworkx

Would I recommend it? Will I keep working on this platform? How much did I make after 3 months?


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Print On Demand Business

A Step By Step Guide On How To Start A Tshirt Business

If you are looking for a way to make passive income online, print on demand is the way to go. I will give you the steps to set up your business from start to sale! This can be used to set up any print-on-demand business, from pillowcases to mugs, to beach towels, but for ease of understanding, we will focus on T-shirts.

1. Design

Find a niche and begin designing catchy slogans or illustrations that will be printed on your t-shirts. You can get a great illustrator to design something that will translate well in merchandise. This is not necessary in all cases, you can simply design catchy phrases and words to go on your print-on-demand T-shirt. Examples of such catchwords are; Bride, cool mum, best dad, FBI, etc.

2. Pick a Print on demand company



Merch by Amazon




Please note that some of these companies are better at certain kinds of print-on-demand products. Look through their catalogs and find reviews of other users.

3. List your items

You can use the free listing option on most of these print-on-demand platforms and you can also set up a separate website with all your dedicated designs.

4. Run ads

Use your niche market to run ads on Facebook and Google. You can set the budget of your ads as high or as low as you want. Running ads is an essential part of setting up your print-on-demand business. You may make some sales without ads, however running ads will ensure your target market sees your t-shirts and considers buying them.

5. Make Sales

Once a sale is made, your print-on-demand platform will make and ship your t-shirts to your customers. When pricing you should price at a profit after considering;

  • Item Price
  • Shipping cost
  • Ad costs

You will receive sales from customers, and make payments to your print-on-demand platform. They will make the T-shirt and deliver it to your customer. It is good to track the progress of orders for your customer and update them once T-shirts ship and estimate time of delivery, to ensure good customer service.

That's it, in these five easy steps you can set up a print-on-demand business from home and generate passive income.

Do you have a print-on-demand business? Would you consider this a way of making money online? Comment below and share your opinion with our community of African freelancers.

We Can Work.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Is Survimo a legit or Scam platform; Part 2


This is the conclusion to my first video, where I signed up for Survimo and showed you the registration process. Please see that video here What to expect on Survimo How much does Survimo pay for different countries? How Much I earned after 3 months. Factors that affected my pay on Survimo. Is Survimo legit or a scam.

We will cover all this areas in this extensive review of Survimo.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

How To Drive Traffic To Your Site Without Social Media

Alternative Sources For Your Traffic

Social media has played a great role in helping us market our brands and communicate with our audience. Although it plays an important role, it should not be the only way that brands and content creators gain new followers. Keep your social media strategy, but also incorporate alternative sources of traffic for your content as well as your brand. Here are five alternative sources for traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines are a great source of additional traffic. If you have a query, chances are you go on a search engine to find answers. Search engines like google, bing, ask.com, and even Youtube can drive traffic to your websites and for your brand. You appear on search engines by creating relevant content to your niche as well as being mentioned on other websites and news sources.

Guest Posts

Creating content for other websites as a guest writer is a great way of driving traffic to your site. By being a guest writer, you introduce their audience to you and your brand and sometimes redirect them to your own platform. Even when they don't click on a link directing them to your site, they become aware of you and your brand and familiarity is one step closer to converting.

Referral Traffic Through Similar Websites

By creating a strong niche website with relevant content, you will find that similar niche websites will reference your work and add links to an article or content created by you. Organic referrals are a great way to drive traffic to your brand or website, and this is a reward for hard work refining your niche and creating relevant content on your topic of interest.

Display Ads

Display ads are a form of advertisement that display messages in audio, video, and images on websites. They appear in a banner format in different sizes from small to half-page banners. They tend to be placed at a distinct point of a website designated for ads. 

The aim is to display an ad that will trigger users to click on the banner to access the content of an ad quickly. The targeted users are more likely to convert into customers and for that reason, they are paid ads, paid per click in most cases, and sometimes paid for impressions of users who get to see the display ad.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective form of marketing that will drive traffic to your website or content. One of the reasons why e-mail marketing is so effective is the method that was used to collect the email addresses of users. If these e-mail addresses are submitted by the user for occasional marketing, then they are more likely to open the e-mails sent to see new products and updates on services. 

Especially since you can also collect with their email addresses crucial information such as the name of the user, their pronouns, and the reason the email address was obtained. Was it during checkout as they bought a product on your website? Did the user give their email address in order to get a free download of an e-book? This vital information can give you insight on how to convert the e-mail user, by offering them exactly what would interest them and is an easy way to drive traffic to your website.

With social media accounts being hacked or even deleted by platforms. It is important to rely on different methods to drive traffic to your site and stay in touch with a new and existing target audience. Which of these methods of driving traffic to your websites do you use as an alternative source of traffic to your site? 

Comment below and share with our community of African freelancers.

We Can Work.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

High Earning Jobs You Can Teach Yourself Online

High Earning Jobs That Africans Can Learn Online

One of the best things that the internet has brought to our modern world, is the removal of gatekeepers such as institutions of higher learning and certifications that were a requirement to work in certain fields. 

If you are tired of getting undervalued and underpaid, it's not too late to learn new skills that will allow you to earn a higher income online. The best thing about these skills is they will give you the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the world, and you can learn these skills from home all by yourself. 

IOS App Developer

IOS is an operating system used in Apple devices. If the thought of building iPhone and Ipad apps is exciting to you, it can be one of the fastest ways of making a six-figure income. Although it can be difficult, it is easier for those who lean more tech-savvy. It also helps that there is a free registration IOS development course on Coursera by The University of Toronto. It will take 5 months to complete with a pace of 2 hours per week. You can also use free resources specific to African scholars such as ALXafrica and use some free instruction to master the basics.

User Experience Designer

User experience determines how the customer uses a product or service. How it looks and feels through their eyes and any points of improvement that can be applied for a better experience for the consumer. In a world of options, you never want to hear about a problem with your product from your customer. You want to pre-empt any unpleasant experiences for your customer as much as possible. 

User experience designers turn applications into something that people like and want to use. They can look at your website or app and optimize applications, improve ease and explore approaches to solve user problems.

Google offers a UX Design professional certificate on Coursera. It takes 6 months at a pace of 10 hours per week.

Digital Marketer

Digital marketers are becoming a vital part of online success. A digital marketer is responsible for developing and implementing strategies that promote a product online. They manage various social media channels, website content, email marketing, and online ads.

You can learn to be a digital marketer by mastering these aspects for clients by taking courses online and even learning from free courses on Youtube. Start with learning how to create content. How to present information online by using graphic design tools and then learning to market the content through free avenues and paid ads on search engines and social media channels.


More personal, government, and corporate data are being stored on the cloud. A huge industry in cyber security is developing to protect this data from hackers. Cyber security specialists are responsible for discovering vulnerabilities and risks in networks, software systems, and data centers.

You can be a Certified Information Security Manager by taking an online class. This role gives you expertise in information security governance. Incident Management and risk management as well as program management and development.

Google, Amazon, and IBM offer cybersecurity courses online.

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain is defined as a ledger of decentralized data that is securely shared. A blockchain developer enables secure digital transactions by creating systems to record and store blockchain data in a way that prevents changes or hacks. They design blockchain technologies, develop app features and maintain client and server applications.

There is a blockchain basics course for free offered by great learning

These are high-earning jobs that you can learn from home in the next couple of months. Do you currently hold any of these skills? Which one are you most interested in learning? Comment below and share with our community of African freelancers.

We Can Work

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

How To Use Your Competitors To Fuel Your Success

 How Your Competition Can Lead To Your Success Online

It is easy to feel like an underdog when starting your business. You are the new kid on the block, the new product on the virtual shelf. You have no experience, no legitimacy. No matter what field, there are thousands of companies catering to that industry. There is also going to be, a big shiny competitor that seems to have it all together. Don't be intimidated! I'll show you how to use your competition as fuel for your company's success. 

Average Market Price

When deciding to launch a product it is important to understand the average market price for your product. You should know the average market price even before beginning production or shopping for raw materials. When you decide to venture into production, branding, and shipping, your product price should be way below the average market price in order to make a profit.

 If your market price is projected to be above the current market price, you must justify it to the consumer by increasing the quality of materials used or making it desirable by offering it to exclusive high-end customers. You can also go above the average market price by making the product customizable to each customer or to a customer base that will be willing to pay more for this product. This is how you use your competitors to determine the market price that will do well in the market.

Find A Target Market

You could look at your competition to determine the target market that is currently being served and the niche groups that are underserved in any industry. You never want to serve the same target audience as your competition. Your company will thrive when you find an underserved group within a community and cater specifically to them.

A good example of this is the sock industry, we all wore socks that were generic, basic, and cheap. Until the evolution into customizable socks. People now can wear socks with their names, their pets, and choose the colors they want. This is a more specific niche of consumers that are happy to pay more for socks with the face of their puppy.

Consumer Needs

In my country, we have a huge bank with ATMs nationwide and branches on every corner of every street. It's easy to open an account with them because they are everywhere, however, once you have an account, you get to know how unprofessional their staff is, and how difficult it is to get any issue resolved because of backlog.

If you observe this in any industry, you have very valuable insight that can propel your brand new company to success. Observe large, medium, and small businesses in your industry and look to find where consumer needs are begging to be met. Provide a solution to customer needs and you are as good as gold.

These are simple ways in which you can use your competition to fuel your success. Which one of these do you plan on using to propel your new company to success? Comment below and share with our community of African freelancers and founders.

We Can Work


This was my experience with the Loop 11 platform.