Sunday, June 12, 2022

Print On Demand Business

A Step By Step Guide On How To Start A Tshirt Business

If you are looking for a way to make passive income online, print on demand is the way to go. I will give you the steps to set up your business from start to sale! This can be used to set up any print-on-demand business, from pillowcases to mugs, to beach towels, but for ease of understanding, we will focus on T-shirts.

1. Design

Find a niche and begin designing catchy slogans or illustrations that will be printed on your t-shirts. You can get a great illustrator to design something that will translate well in merchandise. This is not necessary in all cases, you can simply design catchy phrases and words to go on your print-on-demand T-shirt. Examples of such catchwords are; Bride, cool mum, best dad, FBI, etc.

2. Pick a Print on demand company



Merch by Amazon




Please note that some of these companies are better at certain kinds of print-on-demand products. Look through their catalogs and find reviews of other users.

3. List your items

You can use the free listing option on most of these print-on-demand platforms and you can also set up a separate website with all your dedicated designs.

4. Run ads

Use your niche market to run ads on Facebook and Google. You can set the budget of your ads as high or as low as you want. Running ads is an essential part of setting up your print-on-demand business. You may make some sales without ads, however running ads will ensure your target market sees your t-shirts and considers buying them.

5. Make Sales

Once a sale is made, your print-on-demand platform will make and ship your t-shirts to your customers. When pricing you should price at a profit after considering;

  • Item Price
  • Shipping cost
  • Ad costs

You will receive sales from customers, and make payments to your print-on-demand platform. They will make the T-shirt and deliver it to your customer. It is good to track the progress of orders for your customer and update them once T-shirts ship and estimate time of delivery, to ensure good customer service.

That's it, in these five easy steps you can set up a print-on-demand business from home and generate passive income.

Do you have a print-on-demand business? Would you consider this a way of making money online? Comment below and share your opinion with our community of African freelancers.

We Can Work.

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This was my experience with the Loop 11 platform.