Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Experience with Online Work For Intellizoom 2019 to 2021

           Earning Money with Intellizoom in 2021

Intellizoom is a platform that allows you to make money by giving your opinion by participating in surveys and giving your opinion on products. 

                                                            What you need to sign up

  • An email address
  • PayPal attached to said email address. (I used a Kenyan PayPal account to sign up)
  • Laptop or smartphone with microphone
  • Stable internet connection.

                                                                    How does it work

You will need to sign up by filling out your personal information in your profile. These questions consist of your health, finances, hobbies, household, and more, and from these answers, you are matched to surveys and products that are relevant to you.     

You will then receive an email whenever there is a survey that matches your profile. This is what it will look like

Are you ready to give your feedback and earn $10 USD?

For this study you will need:

  1. Strong Connection
  2. Firefox or Chrome
  3. Computer
  4. Working Microphone


Their invitation to participate email is pretty helpful, they specify the kind of device they want you to take the test on and the pay (usually $10) per test. The faster you jump on the link the better your chances. It's on a first-come-first-served basis.

I did several tests with Intellizoom and got my payout every time. They send the funds to PayPal after the tests are approved. Which takes anywhere from 10 to 21 business days. I would put a reminder in my calendar so that I wouldn't lose track of the payout. Especially since I was doing so many tests. At one point I was doing 3-7 tests per day. Here is an example of the email that will be sent to you once your participation in the study is complete.

We will review your participation in the study **** asap and proceed to send you the payment within 21 business days.
The incentive for this study is $5 USD if your participation is approved.*
If you have any further questions, please contact us or visit our Help Center.
Kind regards,
IntelliZoom Panel Team

Being a digital nomad, I always sign up for jobs that will allow me to work anywhere in the world. I found this opportunity while I was visiting the US for the Christmas holidays but I used my Kenyan PayPal and Gmail account so that I would continue working with them even when I came back from my travels. 

While I was in the United States, I got consistent invitations of 3-7 jobs per day, but I noticed a significant decrease in testing opportunities when I came back to Kenya. My jobs dwindled to 1-2 opportunities per day and then one day zero. 

My relocation changed my demographics enough that I no longer received testing opportunities two months after I came back from the US. 

                                                               Intellizoom Ratings

Is this platform Legit (5 stars) Yes

Can most people do this work (5 stars) Yes

Can we work on Intellizoom from Africa (1 star) No.

If you live in the US, I highly recommend this platform. I made about $50 per day giving my opinion and doing reviews. This is not nearly enough to be considered a stable income; however, it can pay for groceries, a cell phone bill, or a birthday gift for your loved one. 

If you live outside the United States, sadly, you need not apply. To this day, in August 2021 from about August 2019, I have not received any invitations to test.

If you live outside the US and have had success on the Intellizoom site, comment below so that we can track favorable countries.

Would you try this platform? Comment below and let me know what your experiences have been like on Intellizoom.

Also, if you have a platform you would want me to review, leave a comment below and I will give my review on it.

Get Paid To Test With Userbrain. 2022 Review



                 Is Userbrain A No brainer

Userbrain is a website that pays you to test websites and apps. They will sometimes ask you to test an aspect of the website such as the checkout page after making a purchase or signing up for a subscription service or even creating an account. You will be asked to think out loud when you open the scenario and explain your thoughts as you test the website or app.

What will I need in order to get started?

The personal requirements listed on the Userbrain frequently asked questions are as follows:

  • You must be at least 18 years.
  • You need a PayPal account to receive payments.
  • You must be an English or German native speaker and be able to speak your thoughts out loud.
  • You will also need a Mac or PC, a stable internet connection, and an external microphone.

My Experience with Userbrain

My first testing experience with Userbrain goes back to November 2018 and I still test with them to this day (August 2021). I have over 200 tests under my belt and a good rating with the platform. It was a little strange when I started testing with Userbrain. Talking out loud as you navigate a website or app, actually slows down the thinking process as you notice and comment on all aspects of the test scenario.

When I first started in 2018 they paid $3 per test but they bumped the pay up to $5 in 2021.

The test takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.

They payout through Paypal at $10

The frequency of the tests goes from twice a day to twice a week, it really depends on how frequently you're online and how quickly you grab available tests. You will install an extension on your chrome browser that notifies you of new tests. I have taken tests in different countries, Kenya where I reside, The US, and London England. I noticed a lot more tests when I was in the US because the US demographics give you access to tests. Userbrain is by no way consistent enough or high paying enough to be considered stable income, but rather a great way to supplement your income. Especially if you already spend significant time online.

Userbrain Review

Is this site legit? (5 stars) Yes

Can most people complete the tasks? (5 stars) Yes

Can we work from on this platform in African Countries?  (5 Stars) Yes

Welcome, To The We Can Work Blog

 About This Blog


My name is Caroline, I live in Kenya. I consider myself a digital nomad, which means, I like to travel from time to time, but I reside in Kenya. I want to have the ability to work anywhere in the world, for a weekend or for several months at a time when traveling. I have lived in the U.S for over 10 years on and off and I found it remarkably easy to work online. I now live in Kenya and I find it more difficult to work online. 

I will share with you all my experiences finding online work that can be done online from African countries. The good, the bad, and the shady. Some of these online jobs are worth pursuing but many are not. I will share screenshots of sign-up processes as well as payout amounts when necessary. I want this to be an interactive experience so chime in and share in the comments your own experiences with some of these platforms.

You can also find my videos on the YouTube channel named "we can work"

At the end of each review, I will ask these questions

Is it Legit?

Can most people do this work?

Can we work online from African Countries?

I will also give my opinion on each platform, website, and app. Their payment method and their consistency of work.

Can we work from Africa? You are about to find out.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

What Will You Need To Work Online

             What You Need To Work Online

Remember the year 2009, let me refresh your memory with some pop culture events of 2009. This was the year Taylor Swift was interrupted by Kanye West at the VMA awards. This was the year Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. It was also the year Grindr launched.

I have been working online since 2009 in one capacity or another. Back in 2009, I started with a Dell laptop (don't remember the model) it didn't even have a webcam I had to put one of those external webcams and attach it to the top of my laptop. The internet was also exuberantly expensive and very unreliable in Kenya, where I live.

Soon enough that laptop died a sudden death and I found myself shopping for a quick cheap replacement. I bought an HP Pavillion refurbished laptop. It had its good aspects, large screen, great sound system but its battery only lasted an hour which was highly inconvenient for a country with frequent power outages. This laptop stayed with me until 2018 when I replaced it with my Dell Inspiron. I will link a couple of laptops that are great for working at home here. 

I say all this to emphasize that you need a trusted laptop if you will be working online. Some jobs ask for a phone to perform certain tasks but you will need a laptop for the majority of your work. 

What your laptop must have

  • Make sure your laptop has plenty of memory.
  • High-speed internet
  • Great webcam
  • Headphone jack
  • Long battery time (at least 3 hours or more)

Additionally make sure you have Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Sometimes you can negotiate that in the price of your new laptop. Photo and editing software is also vital if you plan on doing any graphic design and video editing.

It is also important that you have unlimited internet, none of those data bundles will do. You will be working online while listening to a podcast in the background or watching YouTube videos. A good strong network with unlimited internet is the way to go. Shop around locally and make sure you get the best value for your money because this will be a recurring bill if you decide to work online.

It is also ideal you have a quiet room with good natural or artificial light. If you work online, you may be required to do zoom meetings or turn on your webcam for a review. You want to have a space that you wouldn't be embarrassed to show to a total stranger.


This was my experience with the Loop 11 platform.